Saturday, April 14, 2018

Crap, Crap, Mega Drive Crap

So they're making another plug and play Sega Genesis? Well, after ten straight years of miserable failures, maybe Sega will sprout a brain and get this one right. Let's see if I can find more news about this upcoming system on Twitter...

"The rumors are true! Sega is going to release the Mega Drive Mini in Japan, powered by the latest AtGames technology. This same new and improved technology will find its way into the US and other territories later this year!"

Wait, AtGames? Again?!

Sega really doesn't give a damn about its legacy, does it? The company has been letting AtGames release cheap knock-offs of the Sega Genesis year after year, unconcerned with their quality or anything but cashing the latest royalty checks. AtGames has been making these systems for ten years, they haven't gotten it right once, and judging from the dubious quality of the Genesis Flashback HD, that's never going to change.

I'm telling you, man, this is going to hurt Sega and public perception of the Genesis in the long run. Players who haven't tried the real system are eventually going to accept AtGames' dreck as an accurate representation of the experience, mutated soundtracks and all, and they're going to come to the conclusion that Sega was a two-bit console manufacturer that got lucky in the early 1990s. At this point I'm not even sure they're wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I ain't forking over the dough for this device unless it's confirmed by Jeremy and/or some other retro game connoisseurs that this latest AtGames device isn't just another box of snake oil.
