Friday, March 10, 2023

Two Weeks' Notice, or Smoke 'Em While You Got 'Em

He's mythology, and the 3DS is history. By
the way, now that the DS line is toast, can we
finally get a port of Kid Icarus: Uprising for
the Switch? It's not like Pit has anything
better to do at the moment...
(image from Polygon)

Yep, in just a couple of weeks, the 3DS and Wii U eShops will shutter forever. If there's something you want from these online stores, now's the time... especially since a big bunch of the games are currently on sale for three to five dollars. That includes Shovel Knight, complete with the DLC packs. You'll find a more comprehensive list of legacy titles right here, courtesy of CheapAssGamer's FriskyTanuki.

Just in the way of warning, you might want to make sure your Nintendo Network ID is linked to your general Nintendo account before purchasing anything. I was pretty sure mine was, but somehow they got un-linked, adding to the stress and frustration of buying these heavily discounted games days before they're sealed away forever in a question mark box hidden somewhere in Nintendo headquarters. Make sure you get all that squared away, and then you can dig into that bounty of Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Phoenix Wright.

One other thing... my unhealthy obsession with the Namco Museum cabinet is starting to peter out. That's due in part to a slightly scratched screen that became a HUGELY scratched screen after I tried to polish it, but also because there's really not much more I can do with the hardware. It's good for a quick, dirty arcade fix, but I'm hungry for something more substantial. Maybe I could graduate to an Arcade1UP Countercade, or perhaps I could build some silly homemade thing made of old computer parts and wood scrap. I've still got that old RCA Cambio... it might as well be doing something useful, instead of just sitting around gathering a snowy mountain of dust.

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