Wednesday, December 28, 2022

What can I tell you, guys?

All the gamers are posting their Best of 2022 Awards, but the only games that interested me much this year were collections. Yes, games first released thirty years ago, partially digested by new developers, then vomited back into my mouth as a highly nutritious sludge. What can I say? They're immediately accessible (set up time for modern games can be so laboriously long, am I right, people?), they're familiar, and they're often cheaper than modern AAA titles.

I just got Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection for Christmas, and let me tell you something, Jack. You're getting a baker's dozen of games that represent Konami's finest years as a publisher, and they're well emulated, and there's a bunch of omake which isn't really why I buy these collections but does add a welcome flourish to the overall package. The people who make these collections- Digital Eclipse and Code Mystics, specifically- treat these games like fine china, and do whatever they can to not only ensure they function as well as they did on native hardware, but that they're sufficiently padded with bonus content.

So yeah, all I want for Christmas are games I already played thirty Christmases ago. I'm not sure if this makes any sense at all, but that's where I am right now. So if you're listening, game companies, I will happily be your baby bird. Just keep puking those leftovers down my throat, so their warmed over goodness can sustain me.

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