Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Rage Stoker's Dracula

They say patience comes with age, but as I play through the games in the Castlevania Anniversary Collection, I find that I have far less of that virtue than I did when I was a teenager. As I struggle in vain to keep the lead-footed Trevor Belmont safe from an onslaught of heat-seeking ravens and frustratingly elusive skeleton fencers, I find that my best weapon isn't the boomerang cross or the arcing axe or that crappy dagger the game constantly drops in your lap, but save states... lots and lots of save states. How I beat Dracula's Curse without them is anyone's guess. Don't even get me started on The Castlevania Adventure for the original Game Boy... it's amazing what you were willing to put up with thirty years ago when handheld game systems were new and you were too young to know any better.

Anyway. I'm sure you already know this by now, but the Sega Genesis Mini is currently fifty dollars at most stores, and will stay that way until December 7th. I couldn't bring myself to spend eighty bucks on one of these, but for nearly half the price I'm taking the purchase a lot more seriously. Is it possible that the price will drop even more in 2020, like the Playstation Classic had the year before? Sure, but considering the quality of the system and the likelihood of a hack by the end of the year, I think it's worth taking the plunge now. Just in way of warning, it's got a Castlevania game too, and you're... probably not as good at this sort of thing as you used to be.

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