Wednesday, November 30, 2022

I'm unreasonably excited about this.

I'm gonna sneak in this quick post before December, but this one's meaningful to me, for several reasons. I just wanted to let all of y'all know that the lead architect of the Fairchild Channel F, Jerry Lawson was honored as today's Google doodle. And it's a playable game! And it's basically Super Mario Maker!

I had one of these once! I mean, in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't fantastic, but it came out way before the Atari 2600 and was even capable of playing Pac-Man. I mean, it's a rather rough looking Pac-Man, with maybe six onscreen colors, but it definitely feels like the real deal, more so than Atari's game. Plus the marketing for this console is weirdly endearing, with Peter Max/Sesame Street minimalism for the game art and various dorky people grimacing and grinning while playing Fairchild games on the front of the console box. 

It's a very, very, very 1970s game system, is what I'm trying to express. It looks like the video game cousin of an 8-Track player. Its controllers look like personal massagers from Sweden. The Tic-Tac-Toe game calls you a "turkey" when you lose. And of course it's sheer woodgrain along the sides. It might as well have come with a pair of bell bottom pants and a lighter for burning your bra.

EDIT: Here's a direct link to the doodle and the game, for those interested.

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