Wednesday, May 19, 2021

We Tried to Warn 'Er

AT&T is having second thoughts about its purchase of Warner Bros., as evidenced by its attempt to share the financial burden with Discovery. The telco giant will now own seventy percent of the studio, with Discovery claiming the other thirty percent. As for the company's interactive entertainment subsidiary Warner Games, nobody's sure where that will end up. It seems AT&T and Discovery will take the Solomon approach, cutting their baby into pieces and each taking a handful for themselves. I would humbly suggest they sell Traveller's Tales to Lego, since they don't make anything else these days.

image from Wikipedia

What else? I recently bought an Xbox Series controller, since I've heard that it's got the best D-pad in the twenty year history of the product line. Like the (outrageously expensive) Xbox Elite controller, it's got a circular, concave design, keeping your thumb in place while you use it, and like the Neo-Geo Pocket Color, it clicks, giving the player important auditory and tactile cues as they play. 

Another plus is that the controller can be used with a handful of devices... not just its native Xbox Series, but the Xbox One, home computers, and even an Android phone should you need it for that purpose. I don't know when my controller will arrive- since I bought it from ShopGoodwill it might take a while- but you'll likely see a detailed review on this blog when it does finally get here.

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