Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Not Labeled for Individual Sale

I thought this comic from Keith Stack was worth sharing, having a couple of these cartridges in my collection myself.

Maybe it was a pressing concern in 1992, but these days the warning probably holds as much weight as those mattress tags which warn "do not remove under penalty of law." Who's going to come after me, the Dream Police? Too late, they already live inside of my head.

Anyway. I bought a lot of games over the last two weeks, including a bundle of Assassin's Creed titles on ShopGoodwill for an unexpectedly reasonable price, and a clutch of Xbox One discs discovered at Saint Vincent RuPaul's (and don't @ me, I will cling to that joke until the day I die). I swore that I was going to keep my Xbox One collection strictly digital, but every man has his breaking point, and five dollars each for three fairly recent games was apparently mine. Hold on, let me see if I can dig up a picture of my haul...

There we go. I wanted to dip my toes into Watch Dogs 2... I heard they lightened the mood considerably from the dour original, in an apparent reversal of Ubisoft's previous decision to follow up the lighthearted Prince of Persia: Sands of Time with Warrior Within, a game best remembered for its grouchier protagonist and Godsmacked soundtrack. 

Unfortunately, Watch Dogs 2 came with a nasty surprise that left ME a little grouchy... a mandatory eleven gig download on top of the data already on the disc. I don't have any data caps, but I do have miserably slow DSL out in the boonies. Making matters worse, the Xbox One monopolizes what bandwidth is available, leaving all my other devices incapacitated until it finishes its downloads. I'd better fall in love with this game after the hours it left me twiddling my thumbs!

1 comment:

  1. Saint Vincent RuPaul, LOL. My wife is going to tire of that joke soon enough. :) Thank you sir!
