Friday, March 5, 2021

Another Spin?

You think I would have learned my lesson by now, but nope, I want to take another crack at the whole "arcade spinner" thing. This new product by GRS looks really promising, fitting into the button hole of a standard joystick and being designed with simplicity in mind. You don't have to buy a controller board; it's already built into the unit, and supports USB right out of the box. You don't even have to buy buttons, because two regulation sized arcade buttons are included.

Early Amazon reviews claim that this dial has a heavy feel and will "spin for daaaays," which is precisely the experience I want when I fire up MAME for those rare games of Victory, Block Block, or Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator. The bummer is that it's fairly expensive at $54.99, but if Grandpa Joe makes good on his promise of a third stimulus package, I could probably fit it into my budget.

Another peripheral I'd like to have at the moment is a clicky stick game pad like the kind they used to make for the Neo-Geo, because the standard D-pad and buttons on a Switch Lite are woefully inadequate for Match of the Millennium. Honestly, there are a few quality of life improvements Code Mystics should have added to the game, like separate buttons for light and hard attacks, but the lack of a fighting game friendly D-pad was beyond their control. The game seems beyond my control too, judging from all the swearing I did while I was playing it. Would you friggin' do the dragon punch already, Ken? No? Well, dying is fine too. You go do that. (Putz.)

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