Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Incredible, Expendable Wii

Why do these things keep popping up for so cheap? I feel like I'm back in 1986, picking up pre-crash game consoles for pennies on the dollar. This is my fourth Wii so far... maybe someday I'll admit I have a problem and stop buying them. (Just not today.)

I marvel at how cheap and unloved these machines have become. Thirteen years ago, people were literally dying to get their hands on them, but now, they've been unceremoniously drop-kicked out the door of thousands of households, winding up in thrift shops, pawn shops, junk shops, and any other merchant that will take them.

America has turned on the Wii, and I'm not entirely sure why. I mean, it plays hundreds of games. Most models are compatible with the GameCube, bumping that total up to hundreds more. It can emulate nearly a dozen other systems, pushing its overall library into the thousands. Sure, the Wii isn't trendy anymore, and some of its online features are no longer supported, but it's not useless.

Maybe I'll finally get around to sending a friend one of these systems, hacked with Letterbomb and loaded up with goodies. It's not like I don't have spares.

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